Friday, March 2, 2012

Is there a spy out there?

I don't know where the last week went.  I missed last week's post so this is what happened.  Wednesday was transfer day and when I got home from work Mom told me that she knew something I didn't know.  I guessed right that nobody was going to get transferred.  So we were relieved to keep Elder W and Elder T.  But Mom didn't know everything, because that night the mission president called the elders and told them that he had just learned that they were a companionship without a car.  He asked them each if they wanted to be transferred so that they could get into an area with a car. I was relieved to hear that they both declined.  So they then learned that a third elder who can drive would move in for the last week he would be here before he left for his assignment in Spain.  Welcome Elder S.   I didn't even get time to get to know Elder S except to know that he is from Oregon.  He left Wednesday and now there are just two elders here again.  We should be getting a new elder straight from the MTC who is waiting for a visa, but he should be able to drive.  Elder W and Elder T have a baptism tomorrow afternoon, so I wonder if there will be a time conflict with meeting up with the new elder and getting to their baptism on time.  Things are never boring here.   
The funny thing about this past week is that it makes me wonder if we have a spy out there telling the mission president that none of our elders drive.  I wonder if one of the ward mission leaders called and complained about having to drive the elders around?  I can't always be there to give them rides when they need one and I love the opportunity to help them out, but when I can't help they call around to the various ward mission leaders (there are 20 of them).  So, I can't help but wonder if one of them complained, if they did that kind of bothers me.  These elders are dedicating one hundred percent of their time to serving the Lord for these two years and all they are asking is for a short ride somewhere in the area and the absolute longest drive would be about 30 minutes round trip for those giving rides.  That's a pretty small sacrifice in comparison.  If you are out there reading this ward mission leaders, stop your whining and serve, these are awesome young men very dedicated to the Lord.
Oh, was that too much?  Sorry for getting on my soap box again.
I love getting meeting the elders and getting to know their personalities.  It has finally started to look like Winter here.  We had snow Thursday and so Elder T had to try out the snowblower.  He is from Hawaii, so snow is a novelty for him.  It was pretty funny, he comes out with the winter coat and beanie and wearing shorts and dress shoes, I guess it was too cold for flip-flops.
All in all it was a pretty great week.

Take good care of your missionaries and never pass up the opportunity to offer them a ride, it's worth it.
Stay awesome this week.  Don't forget to smile.
May God bless you.

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