Tuesday, April 12, 2011

General Conference reflections

Last week I was able to watch the General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I always find it refreshing to hear the inspired words of church leaders.  It reconfirms in my mind that the church is led by Jesus Christ and not by mortal men, we always seem to find ways to mess things up. 
After watching conference, I thought about the life of Christ and His mortal ministry.  There is nowhere that I recall in the New Testament that mentions a permanent home for the Savior.  He frequently traveled to various places and it seems to me that he often needed to depend on the generosity of others to provide a place where He could rest.  I would like to believe that had I lived during His time I would have invited Him into my home to rest, and share a meal with my family. 

It is because of this feeling of gratitude to my Savior for all the blessings He has given me that I am eager to share my home with two of his servants who serve as full-time missionaries.  I live in a time of relative peace and plenty, I love the opportunity which I have to dedicate a part of my home to the service of the Lord.  How could I not look at all I have and not have a desire to share "my glowing fire, my loaf of bread, my roof's safe shelter overhead" that the Elders, too may be comforted.  I truly have been given much, so I too must give. 

Now on to the Elders this week.
I am really growing attached to these two Elders living in my basement.  We have had other Elders who work (some more some less), but the two living here right now are exceptional.  You can tell that they were taught well by their parents.  They are always very respectful.  Elder B. always thanks my mom for doing his laundry and tries to do at least some of his laundry (when he gets to the machine before mom does).  He must have a terrific mom to teach him such respect and gratitude.  It's a good thing they both have good parents, 'cause I want to adopt them.
The really exceptional thing is how well these two Elders work together.  Elder K. had two consecutive brand new Elders prior to Elder B (also brand new) and they worked hard, but ever since Elder B. got here they have been putting in many long hours and they just seem to be getting it right.  They work great together and seem the perfect match for each other and for this area.  Everyone in the area just love them and want to help then out whenever they can.  A few weeks ago they didn't have their truck, so they were getting around mostly on their bikes, but members would seem to be dropping them off in their trucks or cars all the time, they just want to help these wonderful missionaries.  March 21st was transfer day and we thought that Elder K would be transferred out of the area, but the Mission President must have seen the great work they are accomplishing here, because they both stayed and their hard work seems to be paying off.  They are teaching quite a few people interested in the church and seem to be having good success.  I work full time and will quite often put in 45hr work weeks, yes to most people that might seem whimpy, but these Elders never seem to be home.  They must put in 75-90 hour work weeks easy.  Now I really feel whimpy. 
The church must be true, because who would believe that a 20 year old guy would give up 2 years of his life to go talk church to a bunch of people they don't even know. 

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